First attempts of task parallelization on several computers of Radiophysical faculty computer class were performed by
Alexander Oleynikov and by
Ruslan Yavdoshak in April 1999. OS FreeBSD-3.1 and MPI library were used. At first the problem was solved on two computers and later on six ones. Scientific researchers became interested in the possibility of task parallelization and to measure parallel system performance some numerical methods were parallelized. At that time there were a lot of quantum mechanics problems that required unwieldy computations. Hence the problem of such task parallelizaton was actual.

In October 1999 computing cluster that consisted of two workstations was created at Information Computing Center of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Matrix treatment library and GAMESS program (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic System and Structure), which used that library, were installed. Earlier only small molecular clusters can be simulated using that program because of RAM cram and significant processor time. The computation time of GAMESS running on two workstations was significantly less than the computation time of GAMESS running on one processor. For example, if the task computation time on one processor was equal to 6 hours, on two workstations it was less then 3 hours. For the first time such phenomena was paradoxical. The optimal ratio of CPU loading and the computation time was achieved on four processors.

New problems required substantial computing performance appeared. So in November 1999 the first official computing cluster that consisted of four nodes on the base of Intel Pentium-III 450 MHz was created at Information Computing Center of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Node's configuration: CPU Intel Pentium-III 450 MHz, RAM 128 Mbyte, hard disk 12 Gbyte.
During 2000 cluster loading increased and reached high level (up to 600-1000%). It was decided to perform system upgrade. Laboratory of Internet Economics as a part of
Intel corporation
Internet Education Lab project was opened with Ukrainian Intel representative's assistance [
Publication]. Four dual-processor servers on the base of Intel Pentium III-933 MHz were given to Natianal Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Servers were built and tested by
Information Computer Systems on the base of PRIME LAN 1800 platform. [

Since that time cluster have been extended by Information and Computer Center of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. It is involved in scientific and educational activity of many scientific and educational establishments of Ukraine.

In 2005 under the initiative of Institute for Theoretical Physics NAS of Ukraine and National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv creation of The Segmet of computing resources of Ukraine was started. Its main purpose is taking part in international projects on GRID computing. Today cluster is connected to several
GRID systems.