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Rules of usage

Users are obliged:

- to follow current rules of cluster usage;

- to give on administrator demand the report about realized projects and about used cluster resources;

- to inform cluster administrator about hardware and software problems;

- to point out in the publications that
the publishing results were obtained with the help of high-performance computing cluster of Information and Computer Center of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv created with the support of Intel corporation.  

Users have a right:

- to compute problems concerned with scientific research, educational process and university or university departments projects; to compute another problems in accordance with University agreement;

- to save programs and obtaining results according to allocated quotas; cluster administrator has to inform in advance about changing of quotas.

It is forbidden:

- to pass personal login and password to other persons;

- to use computer cluster for the purposes that are not concerned with scientific research and educational process (games, creation of personal network servers);

- to use computer cluster for Internet access;

- to prevent another problems computing;

- to perform unauthorized by cluster administrator activities resulting in cluster protection system failure.

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
© Information and Computer Center, 2002-2025