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This section conatins information about results achieved with the help of cluster.

The list of publications is available in section Publications.

Surface science problems

Scientific advisors:
Academician NAS of Ukraine M.G.Nakhodkin
Associated Prof. I.P.Koval

  1. Investigation of absorption of Si on the Si(001) surface in the presence of (As,Sb).
    Method: quantum chemistry semiempirical calculations MNDO-PM3.
    Took part: junior researcher Afanasyeva T.V., 6-year student Poplavskiy D.V.
    Paper will be published in "Ukrainian Physical Journal".
  2. Interaction of an Oxygen Molecule with the Si(001)2x1 surface. Influence of the initial surface charge.
    Took part: junior researcher Afanasyeva T.V, student - V. Glavatsky.
    Method: quantum chemistry semiempirical calculations MNDO-PM3. Paper: T.V. Afanas'yeva, V.O.Glavatsky, I.P.Koval, M.G.Nakhodkin. Interaction of an Oxygen Molecule with the Si(001)2x1 surface. Influence of the initial surface charge. // Ukrainian Physical Journal. 2000. - V.45. - No6. - P.717-721.
  3. Ab-initio quantum chemistry investigation of rotation of Ge ad-dimers on the surface Ge(001)2x1.
    Took part: junior researcher Afanasyeva T.V.
    Paper: Afanasieva T.V., Koval I.F., Nakhodkin N.G., Pyatnitsky M.Yu., Zandvliet H.J.W. Rotation of Ge ad-dimers on Ge(001).// Surface Science Vol.482-485 (2001) 702-707.
  4. Detarmination of the activation barrier for th ediffusion of atomic oxigen on the surface Si(001):Âi(2x1)
    Method: quantum chemistry semiempirical calculations MNDO-PM3.
    Took part Ph.D. student Afanasyeva T.V., student - V. Glavatsky.
  5. Investigation of Adsorption of V-group elements and oxygen on Si(001)2x1 surface.
    Method:quantum chemistry semiempirical calculations MNDO-PM3.
    Paper: T.V.Afanasieva,I.F.Koval,N.G.Nakhodkin. Adsorption of V-group elements and oxygen on Si(001)2x1 surface. // Surface Science vol. 507-510C. p.788-795.
  6. Ab-initio investigation of rotation of Bi-Bi addimer on Si(001)2x1 surface
    Result are published in proceeding:
    T.V.Afanasieva, I.F.Koval, N.G.Nakhodkin, M.M.Storchak. Proceedings of the second international young scientists' conference on applied physics. June, 19-20, 2002, Kyiv, Ukraine. P.93-94.

Molecular boilogy problems

  1. Maxym O. Platonov,1 Olexandr O. Sudakov,2 Larysa H. Palchykovs'ka, Inna V. Alexeeva, Yuriy V. Boyko,2 Dmytro M. Hovorun 1. // Non-empirical quantum-mechanical conformational analysis of 6-azacytidine - a modified nucleoside of wide spectrum of biological activities.
    1 Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, 150, vul. Zabolotnoho, 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine.
    2 Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Information & computer center .
  2. Investigation of interaction of nucleoside bases by ab-initio quantum chemistry methods.
    Paper: O.M. Krechkivska, D.A. Kosach, O.O. Sudakov, D.M. Hovorun. Is the complementarity of canonical nucleoside bases in DNA their inherent physical-chemical characteristics? Results of the non-empirical quantum-chamical investigation. // Biopolymers and Cells, 2003, V. 19., No 4, P. 382-385.

Problems of semiconductor physics

  1. T.T.Petrenko,T.L. Petrenko,V.Ya.Bratus'. The carbon < 100 > split interstitial in SiC.// J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 14 (2002) 12433 - 12440.
    Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, 45 Prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv,Ukraine.

Problems of nuclear physics

  1. Investigation of vortex-current control for steam generators on nuclear plants.
    Nuclear physics department of National Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv have developed 3D model of the field inspection of vortex-current control for steam generators on atomic plants of Ukraine to provide the safety of their operation.
    Th ework was performed in the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency project (Research Contract 11597).

Problens of liquid crystals physics

  1. V.I. Zadorozhnii, I.P. Pinkevich, V.Yu. Reshetnyak, O.O. Sudakov, E.S. Meshcheryakov, M.P. Allen MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF FERRONEMATICS WITH THREE ELASTIC CONSTANTS // 2nd International Conference PHYSICS OF LIQUID MATTER: MODERN PROBLEMS , September 12-15, 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Problems of distributed computing systems

  1. Parallel Computing Laboratoty have developed a system for tranparrent checkpoint and restart of processes on Linux clusters Process checkpointing and restart system for Linux / Sudakov O.O., Boyko Yu.V., Tretyak O.V., Korotkova T.P., Meshcheryakov E.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -2003. -N.2. -P.146-153.
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