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Current cluster tasks

From 09.05.01: Objects recognition by Karunen-Loeve decomposition.
Musatenko Yuriy, Criogenic and Microelectronics department, Radiophysics faculty

From 07.06.01: Quantun chemistry surface science calculations
Prof. Igor P. Koval, Criogenic and Microelectronics department, Radiophysics faculty

From 06.07.01: Muller matrix calculations
Konstantin Yushtin, Quantum Radiphysics department, Radiophysics faculty

From 15.10.01: Ab-intio simulation of Ge B-dimer diffusion along the dimer row on the Ge(001) surface.
Simulation is performed by junior researcher Afanasyeva T.V. and 4-year student Suhoviy E., Radiophysics department

From 23.08.01: Ab-initio Simulation of Bi dimer rotation under row of surface Si dimers on the Si(001)2x1 surface.
Simulation is performed by junior researcher Afanasyeva T.V. 4-year student M. Storchak, Radiophysics department

From 02.10.01: Single-zone spherical neutron amplifier on the base of enriched uranium
Takes part: 5-year student Pupirina E.A., Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Physics Faculty, Nuclear Physics Department
Scientific advisor: Vladimir A. Babenko, Ph.D., senior researcher, Institute for Theoretical Physics National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 11.10.01: Investigation of radio-frequency discharge with dusty particles
Takes part: 6-year student A. Lavrov, 6-year student R. Romanenko, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Radiophysics Faculty, department of Physical Electronics.
Scientific advisor: Associated professor Kravchenko O.Yu.

From 13.10.01: Investigation of pressure ifluence on the properties of molecular liquids
Takes part: Assistent Moroz K.O., Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Physics Faculty, department of Molecular Physics

Quantum mechanics calculations of system state, chemical reactions and substance properties are performed.

From 26.10.01: Investigation of optical properties of solid state crystals
Takes part: Hyzhniy Yu.A, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Physics Faculty, department of Molecular Physics

From 26.04.2002: Numerical Calculations
4-year student Mikhail Batyuk, Chemical Faculty, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 26.04.2002: Ab-initio solid state properties calculations
Takes part: Taras Petrenko, Institute for Semiconductor Physics Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine

From 25.11.2002: Modelling of micro-satelites motion
Takes part: Olexander M. Bashnyakov, Department of Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University

From 23.01.2003: Ab-initio calculations of nucleic acids properties
Takes part: Olga M. Krechkivska, Dmitro A. Kosach, Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine

From 29.01.2003: Theoretical investigation of spin dependent recombination spectrums in plastically deformed silicon.
Research is performed by 4-yer student Igor O. Sokolovsky, Radiophysics Faculty, Semiconductor Electronics department.
Scientific advisor: Prof. Tretyak O.V., National Taras Shevchenko University

From 29.03.2003: Calculation of infrared spectra of biologicaly active substancies.
Katerina Bereznyak, Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 08.04.2003: Ab-initio quantum chemical calculations.
Maxim Platonov, Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 02.07.2003: Ab-initio quantum chemical calculations.
Roman Zhurakhivsky, Radiphysics Faculty, Semiconductor Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 26.06.2003: Weather forecast calculations
Mark zaliznyak, Institute for Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 04.08.2003: Molecular dynamics of nucleic acids and proteins.
Research is performed by Prof. Galina Dovbeshko, Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 01.09.2003: Monte Carlo proteins folding by simple grid model.
Research is performed by Semen Yesilevskiy, Institute of Physics National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine.

From 15.09.2003: Ab-initio and semi-empirical quantum chemistry calculations.
Research is performed by Prof. Oleksiy Yu. Kolendo., Chemical department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 20.09.2003: Molecular dynamics of SARS nucleic acides.
Research is performed by Prof. Olexander O. Kornelyuk, Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine, 4-year student Gavrilenko V.V, Bilogical Faculty, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

From 30.09.2003: Molecular dynamics of muscular proteins.
Research is performed by junior researcher D.S. Kanibolotsky., Bilogical Faculty.

From 05.10.2003: Whistler excitation by a modulated electron beam in the dense plasma.
Tatyana Nichiporuk, Ph.D. student, Radiphysics Faculty, Physical Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 09.10.2003: Neural network training for reconstruction of DLTS
Takes part: 4-year student Bondar O.G, Radiophysics Faculty, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv
Scientific advisor: Gryaznov D. B., Radiophysics Faculty, Semiconductor Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 10.10.2003:
Simulation of non-linear effects in plasma.
Tyazhemov Vladimir, Ph.D. student, Radiphysics Faculty, Physical Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 13.10.2003:
Indexing of large size database to provide the full text search.
Chernyak Andrey, student, Radiphysics Faculty, Semiconductor Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 29.10.2003:
Modelling of magnetic relaxation in protein molecules using molecular dynamics.
Balamut Dmitriy, Poryadchenko Roman, Rozumovich Ruslan, students, Radiophysics Faculty, Medical Radiophisics Department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 04.11.2003:
Modelling of plasma in electric arc.
Andriy I. Cheredarchuk, Chief Engineer, ICC, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 11.11.2003:
Investigation of load balancing algorithms in parallell computing systems.
Vitaliy V. Kabachevskiy, student, Semiconductor Electronics department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 29.12.2003:
Quantum-chemistry computations.
Mykola P. Galak, student, Physical Faculty, Experimental Physics Department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 20.01.2004:
Modelling of small heavenly bodies motion in Solar System for long periods of time taking into account the relativistic effects.
Anatoliy M. Kazantsev, head of department, astronomical observatory, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

From 30.01.2004:
Calculation of molecular dynamics with quantum effects.
Igor E. Shcheechkin, Instutute for petrochemistry NAS of Ukraine

From 19.02.2004:
Quantum-chemistry computations.
Igor I. Lysko, student, Radiophysics Faculty, Medical Radiophisics Department, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

Ç 24.02.2004:
Quantum-chemistry computations.
Dmytro Yu. Bezuskiy, student, natural faculty, Kievo-Mogilyanska Academy

From 15.03.2004:
Investigations in group rings using the ñomputer algebra system GAP
Olexander B. Konovalov, head of Ukarainian group of GAP users, professor of Algebra and Geometry Department, Zaporizhzhya State University

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