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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Where can I get information about cluster systems and parallel computing?
  2. How can I become cluster user?
  3. How can I access to cluster?
  4. How to compile, edit and run programs?
  5. How can I get information about cluster node's name?
  6. How can I get information about cluster node's number in MOSIX system?
  7. How can I get information about number of currently working nodes?
  8. How can I get information which nodes are accessible for running programs?
  9. How to access other cluster node's file system?
  10. How to run a program in batch mode?
  11. How can I enter to another cluster node?
  12. How can I load data from (to) the cluster via Internet?

Where can I get information about cluster systems and parallel computing?

Cluster is a set of computers that are used in common for increasing of system performance, providing parallel computing and reliability.
In References section only the most famous projects are listed. This list is periodically filled up because that domain is intensively developing. You can find a lot of useful information using searching systems (for example,

How can I become cluster user?

To get access to computing cluster University employees have to fill this form and point out the following information:

  • User first name, second name and patronymic name ;
  • Organization, department / laboratory, post;
  • Contact phone;
  • User e-mail;
  • IP address of computer from which access to cluster is performed;
  • Problem type (numerical computations, image processing, etc.);
  • Requiring resources (value of hard disk, number of processes);
  • User login.

The representatives of other educational institutions can use cluster resources after agreement with National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. They have to send request to the address as well.


How can I access to cluster?

Access to computing cluster is performed via "main" server. Direct terminal access to the cluster nodes is impossible.

For access it is necessary to use SSH protocol. For example, on Unix systems you have to execute command: ssh -l username, where username is login on cluster system. Port number of SSH protocol is 22.

How to compile, edit and run programs?

To compile MPI program the following commands are used:

  • for C programs mpicc ;
  • for C++ programs mpiCC;
  • for FORTRAN 77/90 programs mpif77/mpif90

For optimization it is recommend to use "-fast" option, for example:

  • mpiññ -fast -o program program.ñ

    To link multimodule programs you can use make.

    To run MPI program you should use mpirun

  • mpirun -np N program

    To edit files text editor vi can be used.

How can I get information about cluster node's name?

hostname command gives you all necessary information.
bash-2.01# hostname

How can I get information about cluster node's number in MOSIX system?

setpe -r command gives necessary information.
[root@ss20-3 /root]# setpe -r
This is MOSIX node #68
Network protocol: 2 (AF_INET)
MOSIX range 65-149 begins at ss20-1
Node 66 has an alias:
Total configured: 85; 1 alias

How can I get information about number of currently working nodes?

mosmon command gives necessary information and information about all node's load as well.

How can I get information which nodes are accessible for running programs?

ypcat hosts command gives necessary information.

How to access other cluster node's file system?

First method: /mfs/
Second method: /net/
cd /mfs/66 access to file system of cluster node with number in MOSIX system 66
cd /net/ss20-2 access to file system of cluster node with name ss20-2
The first method is more efficient.

How to run a program in batch mode?

During session closing signal SIGHUP is sent to all running programs. This signal must be caught. You can do that by a lot of ways, but the most efficient are the following:

- to run a program with the help of nohup command
Example :
[root@ss20-3 /root]# nohup program 2>&1>~/out_file &

- to use disown command
Example :
[root@ss20-3 /root]# program 2>&1>~/out_file &
[root@ss20-3 /root]# disown

How can I enter to another cluster node?

Command rsh

[saa@ss20-2 saa]$ rsh node1
Last login: Tue Mar 16 13:19:36 from ss20-2

You have new mail.
[saa@ss20-1 saa]$

How can I load data from (to) the cluster via Internet?

Recommended method - use ssh protocol.
Under UNIX(Linux) command scp
Under Windows - command pscp (Package Putty)

Example of loading to cluster:
[saa@intel1 saa]$ scp chpox-single-0.4a.tar.gz's password:
chpox-single-0.4a.tar.gz 100% 66KB 3.2MB/s 00:00
[saa@intel1 saa]$

Other internet services are turned off at the cluster, but a lot of internet clients are installed at the cluster (ftp, ncftp, rsync, wget), that can be used for loading data.

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
© Information and Computer Center, 2002-2025