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This section contains list of publications of the results in different branches of science and technique achieved by means of computing cluster.

Publications of the cluster team staff

  1. V.I. Zadorozhnii, I.P. Pinkevich, V.Yu. Reshetnyak, O.O. Sudakov, E.S. Meshcheryakov, M.P. Allen MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF FERRONEMATICS WITH THREE ELASTIC CONSTANTS // 2nd International Conference PHYSICS OF LIQUID MATTER: MODERN PROBLEMS , September 12-15, 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  2. Process checkpointing and restart system for Linux / Sudakov O.O., Boyko Yu.V., Tretyak O.V., Korotkova T.P., Meshcheryakov E.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. -2003. -N.2. -P.146-153.
  3. Maxym O. Platonov, Olexandr O. Sudakov, Larysa H. Palchykovs'ka, Inna V. Alexeeva, Yuriy V. Boyko, Dmytro M. Hovorun . // Non-empirical quantum-mechanical conformational analysis of 6-azacytidine - a modified nucleoside of wide spectrum of biological activities.
  4. O.M. Krechkivska, D.A. Kosach, O.O. Sudakov, D.M. Hovorun. Is the complementarity of canonical nucleoside bases in DNA their inherent physical-chemical characteristics? Results of the non-empirical quantum-chamical investigation. // Biopolymers and Cells, 2003, V. 19., No 4, P. 382-385.
  5. Boyko Yu.V., Vystoropsky O.O., Nychyporuk T.V., Sudakov O.O. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University High Performance Computing Cluster. // Proc. Third International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. June, 18-20, 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine, P. 180-181.
  6. Boyko Yu.V., M. Dsham, Sudakov O.O. Design of Computer Class for Public Access Based on Opensource Unix Solutions. // Proc. Third International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. June, 18-20, 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine, P. 184-185.
  7. Salnikov A.O. Methods and tools for virtual organizations integration into the grid-infrastructures [Text] : Autoreferat of Ph.D. thesis, candidate of engineering sciences : 05.13.05 / Salnikov Andrii O. ; NAS of Ukraine, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics - Kyiv, 2014. - 20 p.

Publications of the cluster users

  1. T.V. Afanas'yeva, V.O.Glavatsky, I.P.Koval, M.G.Nakhodkin. Interaction of an Oxygen Molecule with the Si(001)2x1 surface. Influence of the initial surface charge. // Ukrainian Physical Journal. 2000. - V.45. - No6. - P.717-721.
  2. Afanasieva T.V., Koval I.F., Nakhodkin N.G., Pyatnitsky M.Yu., Zandvliet H.J.W. Rotation of Ge ad-dimers on Ge(001).// Surface Science Vol.482-485 (2001) 702-707.
  3. T.V.Afanasieva, I.F.Koval,N.G.Nakhodkin. Adsorption of V-group elements and oxygen on Si(001)2x1 surface. // Surface Science vol. 507-510C. p.788-795.
  4. T.V.Afanasieva, I.F.Koval, N.G.Nakhodkin, M.M.Storchak. Proceedings of the second international young scientists' conference on applied physics. June, 19-20, 2002, Kyiv, Ukraine. P.93-94.
  5. T.T.Petrenko,T.L. Petrenko,V.Ya.Bratus'. The carbon < 100 > split interstitial in SiC.// J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 14 (2002) 12433 - 12440.
  6. S.O. Yesylevskyy, A.S. Klymchenko, A.P. Demchenko. Semi-empirical study of two-color fluorescent dyes based on 3-hydroxychromone. J. Mol. Struct.: THEOCHEM, 755 (2005) 229-239.
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