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Science magazine Numerical Methods and Programming (only russian)

If you need numeric algoritms and other documantaion yuo can get it here

Numeric Analys Server (only russian)

Fundamental algorythms, monographies, articles.

Tutorials and supplemental information about high-performance systems

Tutorials and information about programming for high-performance systems.

Usage of openMosix Clustering System for Building of Distributed Computing Environment

Author: Dmitriy V. Katsubo

One of the most complete guides to openMosix dynamic load-balancing system in Russian. Principles of functioning, usage and configuration, results of performance testing, author's experience and large amount of examples. Original reference

MPI for beginners

Tutorial + examples.


MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard


MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface

Mpich (MPI and MPE)

Web pages for MPI and MPE

Mpich Users Guiude

User's Guide for mpich, a Portable Implementation of MPI

Mpich Instalation Guide

Installation Guide to mpich,a Portable Implementation of MPI

Terminology and Glossary

High Performance Computing and Communications Glossary

PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine

A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing
Original version:

CHPOX (CHeckPOinting for linuX)

Information about CHPOX system installation and usage + examples.
For documentation downloading see Downloads section.

GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. Octave has extensive tools for solving common numerical linear algebra problems, finding the roots of nonlinear equations, integrating ordinary functions, manipulating polynomials, and integrating ordinary differential and differential-algebraic equations. It is easily extensible and customizable via user-defined functions written in Octave's own language, or using dynamically loaded modules written in C++, C, Fortran, or other languages.

To display 2D or 3D graphics gnuplot command can be used. For image redirection on user display the following command has to be executed:

export DISPLAY=:0

Detailed information about that package you can find in Documentation section.
Original version:


Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
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